a dinner in the vines
sep 2023
Our first dinner celebrating estate wines and homegrown summer bounty set amongst the vines at our estate vineyard - Stonemarker.
At our recent Estate Winemaker's dinner I was able to cook for our guests predominately using produce grown in our garden at Stonemarker. End of season bounty brings us beautiful fruit and vegetables, allowing for simple, fresh food. Like dolmas wrapped in the grape leaves from our vines; fresh and rich potato salad grown in our soil; our peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, and zucchini cooked down into a savory ratatouille and more.

I try to extend our approach in the vineyard to the land we farm and to the food I cook- embodying simplicity. Taking care to showcase quality, freshness, and seasonality. It's a lovely feeling to be so well fed, as harvest begins - we are feeling extra grateful for the healthy land these goodies grew in, and are reminding ourselves of the the care required to keep things growing well.

We were also able to pour a sneak peek of our new Estate Rosé pét-nat alongside Foundry Vineyards estate grown selections. Stay tuned for the release later this Fall.
Cheers to harvest, and to many more dinners to come!
